Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.

Blessed and Highly favored.... But Tired

Like in any other community, through the communication within the church environment cultural languages and phrases of expressions seem to develop. My favorite phrase is "blessed and highly favored". The words come in handy especially when you're going through turmoil on the inside, but you really can't let your brother or sister in Christ know. Remember now that you are Christian, so you should be walking on streets of gold daily just picking Skittles off the trees as you pass by. 
The truth be told- we don't always taste the rainbow. Lately the phrase  Blessed and highly favored tends to warn that there is a dot, dot, dot to follow.

I must admit that it has saved me many times. The fake smile, then follows " oh I am blessed and highly favored, then comes an inner scream- "I AM TIRED!"
Blessed but I don't see it. I left Sunday service all pumped up, and I received my promises. A day passes, two, one week, two months, one year. My fuel is running low, and my flame starts to flicker. I planned for the event, but the waiting game is draining me.

The Tantrum
Well what's the sense in going to church. Nothing is coming to pass.
My girlfriend said she wanted to invite to her house warming. What about my house Lord?
Other friends are getting married in my face, and Valentine's Day- Bah Humbug.
I just met one of the guys I graduated from college with, and he handed me his business card 
VP of Finance- hmmm I ought to throw it in the trash. I don't see the doors opening for me. 
After rolling on the floor a few times, and belting my complains I realize that this is not getting God's attention. Instead, I have gone from tired to worn out- too exhausted to even recognize a blessing if it were right in front of my face.

Learning to Wait
When I was a child I watched my mom preparing something called Roti, by placing a pizza-like dough on a flat, oiled sheet of cast iron placed on the stove. I asked her for a piece an she stated that it was not yet ready. As she turned her back I placed my hand on the blazing hot cast iron to reach the Roti. As good as it must have tasted when it was ready I was in too much pain to even think about eating anything.
I am learning that how we react during our waiting period is just as important as the blessing that follows.
Waiting on a husband/wife? Is my debt to the ceiling? Can I cook, or is he going to have pick up something on the way home everyday? I have witnessed situations where the outside meal stopped coming from a restaurant.
Do I love myself, or is he going to have to nurse me every day; no one can carry someone else forever.
How about the the house you're waiting on God for? Currently are the bills paid on time. Is your current residence clean, or are the stacks of dishes soaking in the sink.
Waiting for the promotion? What are you doing now to prepare? What skills are you willing to capture to ensure that you are always sought after in your company? Are the tithe and offerings being paid consistently out of the blessing of your current job?

One of the simplest yet most important lessons for me is learning to be thankful for what I have now. No matter what God blesses me with, there will always be someone with what SEEMS TO BE bigger or better. If I am not thankful for my now blessings, I will wear myself out trying to keep up with my environment, and miss the great vision God has for my life.

Anonymous Writer

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