Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.


The Bible mentions the inferior status the citizens of Samaria held in the eyes of the Jews. In those days as far as the Jews were concerned Samaritans were contaminated and publicly cursed. They could not serve in Jewish courts, and could never become Jews.

For this very reason a Samaritan woman almost missed out on the invaluable networking opportunity with Jesus Himself. Before even finding out who was the man asking her for a drink of water from her well, she allowed an inferiority complex to overcome her. How could she have anything to offer a Jew? Something must be wrong with this man. Does he  not know that she is a woman of Samaria? If only she knew who was gracing her presence, but to her it didn't matter. The limits ensured that all she could see was a Jew, and that she was a Samaritan- inferior and unworthy.

I know what it's like to struggle with Samaritan Syndrome. The Samaritan label seemed to trump any positive idea concerning who I was; a place of undeserving, less than, unattractive, not tall enough, hair not thick enough, unable to embrace and love me.

The seemingly normal act of walking into a room of people was near traumatic for me. 
"I know that look she doesn't like me." Those people in the corner are laughing- what are they saying about me?" That girl over there is shaped like an hour glass, I know I should have worn something else. Mmmm that man over there is the "". He must have some model girl friend. Why is he coming over her? He probably just wants to ask me where the restroom is. I am definitely not his type. Oh, and about that job why apply? There are so many people more qualified than I am.
Every negative opinion, social stigma, and distorted view became my baggage.

Cutting it loose- DEJUNKING

Someone once told me that my glasses were the wrong prescription. Changing my lenses was the first step to accepting who I was. This meant I needed to find the facts that justified the existence of every piece of junk i dragged along. No dictionary definition or Google concept surfaced proof that I was that I was not attractive. Instead, I met people who complimented my smile, and my big heart. I also managed to find some gorgeous people who had the jacked up personalities.

Undeserving- case dismissed because of a lack of evidence. Instead, I couldn't find a ruler long enough to measure the countless blessings in my life; family, friendships, a roof over my head, health... the list goes on.

I am only disqualified if I allow myself to be. A closed door does not stop me from moving forward- that's what detours are for. As for the Jews, they do not have the power to tie my hands; I swing them around my shoulders, lift my head up, and embrace me.

Anonymous Writer

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