"No More Cycles"

Romans 8:28 tells us that ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love God (that's me) and to those who are called according to His purpose (hey, that's me too). Crazy huh?!? Well we know that God is not crazy, but sometimes His methods seem crazy to us. Why? Simply because His ways are definitely not our ways and His thoughts far exceed our thoughts. So what am I trying to say? The more you pursue the Will of God, the more He uses the good, bad, and ugly to develop us for His perfect Will. Sounds exciting, right?
We must realize that for every good thing we experience in life, there has to be something bad that balances it out. Not for the purpose of hurting, disappointing, or burning us out, but for the purpose of building strong and integral character in our lives. If we truly examine the "bad" times, we will find that we should have learned something about ourselves during that time. We should have seen how strong or weak we were, patient or impatient, Godly or ungodly...you get the point. But if we are so focused on the "bad", we will neglect to see the "good" for our lives in the "bad".
I have learned, after many "bad" times, that you must have the right perception from the start. You have to perceive that the "bad" that you're going through MUST be designed by God for your "good". I must say, the "bad" has really been making me into a "good", Godly woman. To God be all of the glory. I began to see everything working for my good when I started accepting the "bad" for my "good". Now when I'm in a "bad" time, I declare, "God must be trying to get something good out of me."
Understand that God places demands on the lives of His people. And until He gets what He's expecting, He will allow many things to press us until He gets it. When we get that understanding, the "bad" doesn't seem so "bad" after all.
I encourage you to change your perception concerning what you're going through. Look at it from Kingdom point of view. Begin to see that this IS GOOD FOR YOU! Know that God only wants the best for your life. ALL things work together for good, for you. Believe that!
Pastor Renee


I truly enjoy ministering to God's people. And I am so looking forward to what God would have for me to share with you all in this new season. I count it a priviledge.
I want to encourage you to send your comments and questions if you have any. I love the feedback!
Let's get ready to RUMBLE....
-Pastor Renee






When we begin to understand what a rear guard really is, this will excite us! The rear guard or "rearward" is considered a "garrison". This unit in the armed forces primarily is responsible for protecting everything and everyone on the fort/post and also for providing food, clothing, medical services, etcetera for the soldiers.
Our God is our rearward! Praise God! As long as we stay in the presence of God, which always manifests His glory, we are protected and provided for. The presence of God supplies us with everything that we need. How awesome is that?!?!
I encourage you today to continue to cultivate the presence of God in your life through consistent prayer, fasting, praise, worship, and quiet time with God. The more time you spend with Him, the more His presence increases in your life.
Knowing the benefits of God's presence should incite you to stay in His presence. We understand that sin cannot dwell in His presence. So it is vitally important to maintain a holy life before God. Walk upright before God. Keep His statues. Meditate on His Word. Doing these things will keep us holy and upright before God.
The Word of God tells us that we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a chosen generation. We have to stand up to those names. Honor God in your living and watch His presence manifest in your life.
Our "REARWARD", our "REAR GUARD" is on post waiting for us. Let's not keep Him waiting! Go and take rest in His presence. At ease soldier!
Pastor Renee Roberts

Raisins, bowl of fruit, whole fruits
Celery and hummus ( hummus is made from chickpeas)
Veggies (Carrots, Brocoli,Tomato Grapes) with Dip (guacamole or bean dip)

soybeans , baked beans, spinach, lentils, cashews, ackee, cauliflower, peanuts, okra, turnips, eggplant, potatoes, sweet potato, pumpkin, squash, corn.
§ Southwest Corn and Black Bean Salad
This bean, corn and nuts in this salad combine to create 19 grams of protein per serving. This is a very flavorful salad and easy to make ahead.
1 ½ cups corn kernels (fresh or frozen)
1/3 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup lime juice
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 (14.5 ounce) cans black beans, rinsed
2 cups shredded red cabbage
1 large tomato, diced
1/2 cup minced red onion
1. Place pine nuts in a small dry skillet over medium-low heat and cook, stirring, until fragrant and lightly browned, 2 to 4 minutes.
2. Whisk lime juice, oil, cilantro, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Add the corn, pine nuts, beans, cabbage, tomato and onion; toss to coat. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
3. Freshly ground pepper and salt to taste just before serving.

Smoothie Tip: (Frozen fruits like berries are great in the blend and you don't have to use ice)
Recipe for Papaya Banana Berry Blend ( PBJ)
1 cup of Papaya Chunks (or juice)
1 cup of mixed Berries ( Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries which are high in antioxidants)
1 whole peeled Banana
1 1/4 cup of Orange Juice
Preparation: Put fruits in blend, (if using frozen fruits do not add ice) add ice, pour Orange juice last, then blend for 2 minutes or until smooth to your liking and serve.

High Energy Foods

Almonds -Monounsaturated fats such as almonds provide essential fatty acids, known as omega-3s and omega-6s, that produce an alert mental state.
Grapefruit is a good source of vitamin C, pectin fiber, and the pink and red hues contain the beneficial antioxidant lycopene. Studies have shown grapefruit helps lower cholesterol and there is evidence that the seeds have high levels of antioxidant properties. Grapefruit forms a core part of the "grapefruit diet", the theory being that the fruit's low glycemic index is able to help the body's metabolism burn fat.
Kiwifruit is a rich source of vitamin C, it also contains vitamins A and E. The skin is a good source of flavonoid antioxidants. The kiwifruit seed oil contains on average 62% alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid.
Blackberry is high in energy, are notable for their high nutritional contents of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid - a B vitamin, and the essential mineral, manganese
Breadfruit is said to be high-energy food sources Potassium 490mg Vitamin C 29mg
What an awesome analogy that Christ uses to describe those whom He loves. That means that we have a unique ability to spice things up. We have the power to add zest and bring the best potential flavor out of something. God gave us this ability so that we can spice up the lives of those that are dull and lost to the salvation of their souls.

Surprisingly, many Christians don't fast often, if at all. Why wouldn't we, knowing that it has such great benefits and yields such great results? Think about it.
I want to encourage you today to start making fasting a part of your Christian lifestyle. Jesus Christ Himself fasted, the apostles fasted, the prophets and kings fasted...what should we as Christian Believers be doing?...FASTING!
Our ministry is preparing for a 21-Day Fast. I thought it would be awesome to take some time out to share with you simple, yet important things that you should do to prepare your body for the fast.
One to Two Weeks Prior To The Fast:
- Start drinking plenty of water. (you should be doing this for the temple anyways)
- Gradually abstain from caffeine and sugar. (these are very addictive and takes longer to exit our systems)
- Gradually abstain from meats. (makes it easier on your digestive system)
- Start cutting off all eating at 7pm.
- Get into the habit of praying & reading the Word of God daily. (not just once a day)
Remember...fasting is a consecrated time. Meaning it's a time of "being set apart" for the Lord. This should be a joyous time full of expectation and excitement! Never "look" like you're fasting. Keep your face cleaned, breath fresh, and keep looking good! This is not a time of mourning, but a time of intimacy and development with God!
Pastor Renee Roberts

Stop trying to be pleased and be pleasing. Stop trying to hide in the large crowd of unaccountability and get yourself into the place that you need to be. God is counting on you!
Don't be afraid of commitment and dedication. Every church desires to have a body full of people who are committed and dedicated to ensuring the success of the vision. Can your pastor count on you? Or are you just another one passing through?
If you're not a part of a church, it's urgent that you find one. Go ahead and retire from "tele-church" and "cyber-church". Get plugged into your "local church" so that you can have a man or woman of God impart into your life and cover you. So that they can make sure that you are progressing and developing properly as a believer. So that you have someone to be accountable for your soul.
Remember, when you're plugged up to something, whatever flows from it flows through you.
Pastor Renee Roberts


You do realize that your "self" is fickle, flaky, and unreliable at best? And it ALWAYS has a mind to "make things happen". God wants us to trust Him to "make it happen" through our faith and trust in Him. The best time to try that trust is in the difficult moments of life. When deadlines are PAST DUE...still trust God! He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or think. Keep that in mind.
What really helps us to trust God is to get acquainted with Him. How can you fully trust someone with your WHOLE heart if you don't know them? Impossible, right? The same with God. You will never trust Him with all of your heart until you really get to know Him. Once you start becoming acquainted with Him, He begins to impart Himself to you. He begins to reveal who He is to you in the midst of your situations. It's through the knowledge of Him that you can began to say that THE LORD IS....whatever you need Him to be.
Unlike man, God will never fail you. And since He will never fail you, why not trust Him? You've trusted in all sorts of people and things and I'm sure that you've ended up disappointed, hurt, or betrayed, which has probably challenged your trust with those people or things. But you serve a God who's not like mere humans. He is SUPERNATURAL and OMNIPOTENT! Meaning...He can't fail you! He won't hurt you or betray your trust.
So go all out! Trust, lean, depend, rely, have confidence, be secure in the Lord. His intent is to prosper you not to harm you. He's got your back...believe that!
Pastor Renee Roberts

Humans are fickle creatures, and God knows this all too well. So He has designed this system called "the trial of your faith" that enables Him to test the genuiness of our faith in Him. 1Peter 1:6-7 reads "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:"

"Play To Win!"

Depending on what we were destined for, our faith may seem greater or lesser than the next person. But the TRUTH is, we all have an equal amount of faith distributed to us! PRAISE GOD! Its just up to us to play our own hand (the card we were dealt). My "measure of faith" is just as powerful and effective for me as the next person's is to him. What an awesome relief!
When playing cards, you may hear someone say "you better play to win!" That means you better come out of your hand strong, with no regrets. We should have the same confidence and tenacity with our "measure of faith". PLAY TO WIN! Play your faith card to the best of your ability, and watch God show Himself strong to you.
Be encouraged knowing that you have ALL THE FAITH YOU NEED! It's been apportioned by God to you! Now go and Play To Win!
Pastor Renee Roberts