What we must begin to understand is that God desires for all of His people to be a part of what He's ordained...the church. Why? The church is the conduit of His will in this earth realm. Yes, we are individual churches, but we are "ONE BODY" with many members according to the Word of God. How can this "BODY" function correctly if members are missing from it? It can't! When you're not plugged up you handicap the church. This is why everyone needs to find their place in their local church and stay put! Every church has imperfections, so your concern shouldn't be about the imperfections of the church. Your concern should be about your purpose for being in the church: What has God called you to do there? What are you doing there? Is it complete? Is the visionary (pastor/overseer) pleased with what you did or are doing? Could you do more?
Stop trying to be pleased and be pleasing. Stop trying to hide in the large crowd of unaccountability and get yourself into the place that you need to be. God is counting on you!
Don't be afraid of commitment and dedication. Every church desires to have a body full of people who are committed and dedicated to ensuring the success of the vision. Can your pastor count on you? Or are you just another one passing through?
If you're not a part of a church, it's urgent that you find one. Go ahead and retire from "tele-church" and "cyber-church". Get plugged into your "local church" so that you can have a man or woman of God impart into your life and cover you. So that they can make sure that you are progressing and developing properly as a believer. So that you have someone to be accountable for your soul.
Remember, when you're plugged up to something, whatever flows from it flows through you.
Pastor Renee Roberts
This is really good! I think sometimes we get comfortable just sitting in church and are perfectly content with just drawing in everything that we can get. BUT if we think about it, that's kind of selfish. God placed something on the inside of each and every one of us, so someone might have a need for whatever it is God has placed in us.
ReplyDeleteI think we all should ask ourselves those questions: "What has God called you to do there? What are you doing there? Is it complete? Is the visionary (pastor/overseer) pleased with what you did or are doing? Could you do more?"
Because if we're not doing what He's called us to do, we need to start. If we are doing what He's called us to, are our leaders pleased and could we possibly do more?
Think about it.
Thank you for this post Pastor Renee! Love you (but don't tell anyone :-) j/k)