Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.


Through experience, I have learned that there are generally two types of walls: the ones God provides and the ones we build. God's construction protects us and gives us boundaries. He places a hedge around us so that we can stay in His will and keep the enemy out. But the walls we construct are custom made to keep people out and isolate us in, which most if not all times tend to keep the Greater One out...GOD!

How does this happen? Hurt, anger, disappointment, etc. These types of things seemingly force us into isolation because we don't want to experience any of the like anymore. Pain is temporal. Even if it is prolonged, it's temporal. This means what? It means that at any given moment, this pain can cease. At any given moment, what you're so terribly experiencing can come to an end. Look at it this way, Jesus Christ Himself had to learn obedience through hardships. If He in all of His perfection had to learn through hard experiences, what more us?

When we begin to focus on the purpose of enduring these hardships (what it leads to and how the Word of God says it ends), then we can begin to take joy in the difficult experiences and challenges that we face daily. Apostle Paul tells us to count it all joy when we're faced with difficult trials and tribulations. He did not tell us to build a wall when you're faced with these things. Whisper to yourself right now, "I have to change the way I see this."

Walls are not permanent structures. They may be strong, due to your reinforcement, but they are able to come down. I encourage you today, start tearing down those walls in your life. They are only prohibiting you from experiencing what true freedom is! And in order to reach your GREATEST POTENTIAL, you must be free!

He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!

Pastor Renee Roberts

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! This touched my heart and I will not construct any walls and endure hardship with joy just as my example Jesus Christ did. Thank you for the encouraging words as always. You are the best!
