Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.


I was sitting here just thinking about how GOOD our God really is. David describes Him as his Shepherd in Psalms 23. In reading that familiar chapter of Psalms I've discovered that I am God's sheep. I am a part of His sheepfold. Therefore, I am God's responsibility. Praise God!
Sheep only know how to follow, otherwise they wander aimlessly. Sheep will eat anything and trust anyone. This is why our Shepherd is constantly watching over us ensuring our protection from the wolves of the enemy. Always leading us into green pastures to feast and leading us besides still waters to drink and rest. He's constantly refreshing and restoring us. He goes as far as disciplining us in order for us to stay within the sheepfold.
I learned that a shepherd will break the leg of a sheep that wanders too often. After the breakage, the shepherd attends to the sheep constantly until the leg is healed. While the shepherd is leading the rest of the sheepfold, the sheep with the broken leg is carried around the neck of the shepherd until he can walk again. How POWERFUL! The entire time that wounded sheep is hearing the voice of his shepherd, learning his voice, learning how to follow! Glory to God!
Has God ever broken your leg for your good? The Word of God tells us that God's sheep know His voice and a stranger they will not follow. Do you know the voice of your Shepherd? Do you follow His every step? Do you heed His every command? This is something to consider.
Our God is the GOOD SHEPHERD! He's always looking out for our good. So even when we've been broken, those broken bones can rejoice because we know that through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we have this promise: as long as the Lord is our Shepherd, we will want for nothing!
Pastor Renee Roberts


  1. All I will say to that is BAAAAA and AMEN!!!!

  2. This word has truly encouraged my heart. Thank you for sharing this revelation.

  3. Wow. The Shepherd sometimes breaks the sheep's long to prevent him from wandering??? And then the Shepherd carries the healing sheep around His neck?!?! God's love for us is AMAZING! When is your book coming out Pastor? This was a blessing! Wow!
