Isaiah 58:8 tells us that the glory of the Lord shall be our rear guard. Isn't it awesome to know that the presence of God yields such protection and provision for us?
When we begin to understand what a rear guard really is, this will excite us! The rear guard or "rearward" is considered a "garrison". This unit in the armed forces primarily is responsible for protecting everything and everyone on the fort/post and also for providing food, clothing, medical services, etcetera for the soldiers.
Our God is our rearward! Praise God! As long as we stay in the presence of God, which always manifests His glory, we are protected and provided for. The presence of God supplies us with everything that we need. How awesome is that?!?!
I encourage you today to continue to cultivate the presence of God in your life through consistent prayer, fasting, praise, worship, and quiet time with God. The more time you spend with Him, the more His presence increases in your life.
Knowing the benefits of God's presence should incite you to stay in His presence. We understand that sin cannot dwell in His presence. So it is vitally important to maintain a holy life before God. Walk upright before God. Keep His statues. Meditate on His Word. Doing these things will keep us holy and upright before God.
The Word of God tells us that we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a chosen generation. We have to stand up to those names. Honor God in your living and watch His presence manifest in your life.
Our "REARWARD", our "REAR GUARD" is on post waiting for us. Let's not keep Him waiting! Go and take rest in His presence. At ease soldier!
Pastor Renee Roberts
When we begin to understand what a rear guard really is, this will excite us! The rear guard or "rearward" is considered a "garrison". This unit in the armed forces primarily is responsible for protecting everything and everyone on the fort/post and also for providing food, clothing, medical services, etcetera for the soldiers.
Our God is our rearward! Praise God! As long as we stay in the presence of God, which always manifests His glory, we are protected and provided for. The presence of God supplies us with everything that we need. How awesome is that?!?!
I encourage you today to continue to cultivate the presence of God in your life through consistent prayer, fasting, praise, worship, and quiet time with God. The more time you spend with Him, the more His presence increases in your life.
Knowing the benefits of God's presence should incite you to stay in His presence. We understand that sin cannot dwell in His presence. So it is vitally important to maintain a holy life before God. Walk upright before God. Keep His statues. Meditate on His Word. Doing these things will keep us holy and upright before God.
The Word of God tells us that we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a chosen generation. We have to stand up to those names. Honor God in your living and watch His presence manifest in your life.
Our "REARWARD", our "REAR GUARD" is on post waiting for us. Let's not keep Him waiting! Go and take rest in His presence. At ease soldier!
Pastor Renee Roberts
Oh my God! How awesome it is just to know Him and take Him at His word. I am so encouraged with this word and what a privilege it is to trust in our Rearward who always has our back and is constantly on post guarding us and watching our every move. Thank you Jesus!
It awesome to know that god our father have our back throw any proablem iam happy to be his child and to share his love to other who dont know him as yet but they will. That cool!!!