Give thanks in EVERYTHING? Wow! Seems like a tall order to fulfill at times. But I guess when we really begin to truly live our lives in the completeness of our Creator, we realize that being grateful is only fair. Think about how much God does for us on a daily basis. He's constantly providing, protecting, loving, forgiving...He's just FAITHFUL to us. That alone is more than enough to BE GRATEFUL for eternally.
The Hawkins Family wrote a song back in the 70's titled "Be Grateful". The lyrics to this song are so profound. One part of the song says, "Be Grateful, because there's someone else who is worst off than you. Be Grateful, because there's someone else who'd love to be in your shoes." Most times we don't even realize how good we have it until something worst comes to our door of life.
I feel like Paul in Philippians 4 when he says he has learned to be content (GRATEFUL) in every and any situation that comes his way. What a mindset to have. I believe that being "self-centered" creates a mindset of ungratefulness; what I don't have, why can't I have more, why me, I don't like this, I don't want that...It's all about "I". Start thinking beyond yourself and begin to thank God for what you do have, thank God for the things you don't like, just BE GRATEFUL!
Complaining gets you no where fast. It actually prolongs your blessings. What happened to the children of Israel with all of their murmurings and complaints? They ended up forfeiting their promise. How many promises have you forfeited in your time of ungratefulness? How many more will you forfeit before learning the valuable principle of being GRATEFUL?
Many times God allows us to remain in certain situations and circumstances until we begin to produce GRATEFULNESS. Until we begin to be thankful in everything. You will find that the quicker you establish your heart in thanksgiving, the sooner God will advance you. Are you ready for advancement? BE GRATEFUL then.
This post is not intended to seem insensitive to any ones hardships, misfortunes, or needs. It is however, intended to provoke you to put on a new mindset, the mind of Christ. This mindset understands the benefit of being GRATEFUL. Will you give it a try? Besides, complaining doesn't do anything but make you more UNGRATEFUL.
Stop the cycle today! Remove people out of your circle of influence that are always complaining. Replace them with people that have GRATEFUL hearts. Get rid of the negativity in your life and replace it with positivity. Change your stinky thinking into thinking that really matters. Condition your heart to be GRATEFUL.
Take a couple of seconds and begin to give God thanks for what He's done for you just today alone. Now, doesn't that feel better? Go ahead and make that a practice from now on. BE GRATEFUL.
Pastor Renee Roberts
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