This thing that we have called "memory" is so complicated. Memory is so vast in being capable of storing information and events. It can retain and delete what it wills when it wills to. Memory is also very powerful. It can incite you to advance or be the biggest opposition to progression.
Many people are held captive by their memories, i.e. their past. We do realize that right? Your memory is simply something that occurred before, that you still remember. Some memories are delightful and some are horrid, but they all make up one memory bank.
Most people on the average remember more disturbing things than delightful things. Why is that? Some people have to think hard about what happened good in a day, but bad....they can ramble that off in a heart beat. What's up with that?
Bad things seem to leave a bigger impression on our memories than the good things. This is why the Word of God tells us to think on good things. We have to constantly recondition our minds to think and store good things while forgetting the bad.
Paul wrote to the Philippians and told them," forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize." The word forget in the Greek translation means "to lose out of mind; to neglect". How many things do we lose out of mind or neglect on a daily basis? When we lose something, it can't be found. When we neglect something, we just failed to attend to it. Paul was letting the Philippians know that in order to go forward, you must neglect the past. You must neglect the negative, horrible memories. They will only hold you back.
I minister to individuals constantly concerning letting things go, forgetting the past, moving forward...but most times people find that impossible to do. How do I forget about it? You must neglect it, lose it out of mind. Make the past a follower and not a leader. It should be behind you, not in front of you. If the past is all you can see, you're turned the wrong way. The past only leads you in the opposite direction of your destiny.
God told Jeremiah that He would not remember the sins of the Houses of Israel anymore. He blotted them out and cast them into the sea of forgetfulness. That same promise applies to us today. If God, Himself can FORGET ABOUT IT, what's up with us? Yes, God FORGOT ABOUT your sins! Praise God! So it should be easy to FORGET ABOUT what they did to you, how they hurt you, how they betrayed you, how they lied on you, how they FORGOT ABOUT you!
Do we realize that most times the individuals that were involved with our past, has moved on and totally FORGOT ABOUT IT? While we are sitting around, wallowing in the pains of the past, the regrets of the past, the anger of the past...the individuals have moved on and FORGOT ABOUT IT. Free yourself and let the God of liberty free your mind.
Stop saying, "I don't know how to let this go." David said something so powerful in Psalms 119. He said, "I will not forget Thy Word." If we spend more time on remembering the things that really matter, we won't have time to keep revisiting the past. You CAN let it go. You are fully capable. How do I know? Because many of us FORGET ABOUT what we want to FORGET ABOUT. We neglect and lose out of mind what we choose. We even FORGET ABOUT the Word of God at times. So we see that we CAN FORGET ABOUT IT.
You don't have to live another day bound to your past. Jesus Christ has freed you once, now go ahead and free yourself! The Word of God tells us to not be entangled in the yoke of bondage again. The Word of God also tells us that he whom the Son sets free, is free indeed! So go ahead, you have the right to walk in your freedom! FORGET ABOUT IT!
The key to successfully FORGETTING ABOUT IT is to FORGIVE. Forgive whomever and whatever has caused you pain. Release them and release yourself. Move forward. Make the past follow you right into your wealthy place! Don't look back.
Make today the beginning of a healthier you!
Pastor Renee Roberts
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