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"No More Cycles"

A cycle is defined as "a sequence of events that recur regularly in the same order." Sounds like a description of some of our lives, doesn't it? If we all are honest with ourselves, we can readily identify with a cycle or two in our eventful lives. And if we are totally honest, we all can attest to becoming caught up in a cycle at some point in our lives. Don't you think it's time for the vicious cycle to end?

Being that a cycle is created by a lack of tenacity to abruptly stop doing the same things over and over while expecting a different result, leads me to this conclusion....we can break cycles in our lives if we choose to.

Many stay captive to cycles because they don't have an understanding of what they are capable of. God has given us the unique ability to "cast down" things that are obstructions to our progress. This news should bring about an excitement and zeal to start bringing to an end the cycles in your life.

We have to be very alert and cautious when we start seeing or feeling familiar events sparking. Those are strong indications of a cycle starting over again. Contrary to popular beliefs, cycles should not be a part of the Christian walk. That's not Kingdom living. Kingdom living is full of zoe' which is "life as God has it". Our heavenly Father is not living a life of cycles, but a life of victory and success, a life of progress and no regrets. He wants our lives to reflect His.

So let's become more aggressive with the progression of our lives by deleting the cycles. Emphatically declare that there will be "NO MORE CYCLES" in your life. Don't permit them to start and don't permit them to continue. Put an end to it this very moment. Make a firm decision by just saying NO! Give God the glory He deserves through our reflective living of His life. It's the least we can think?

Pastor Renee

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