Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.

House of Cards

As the new year is upon us we automatically get into planning mode, mapping out what we want to achieve for the year; get a promotion, buy a house, relocate, get married, get a degree.... and the list goes on. When we have finally completed stacking our plans, here comes God to blow our house of cards down. We get upset because after all God is not a liar and He said He would grant us the desires of our heart.

Sometimes when reading the Bible I am guilty of only focusing on the juicy scriptures that seem to benefit me, while skimming over the not so exciting parts. I understand that He will give me the desires of my heart, but there is a catch- only if I seek Him first.
This means that I need to have a sit down session with the head of my corporation/ life (God) to ensure that my plan is in line with the one He has in mind for me. If this is not so then my plan becomes obsolete. Don't you just hate it when you put everything into accomplishing something just to find out that you wasted your time?

It helped a lot when I realized that with God It was best to have an open mind. Some of God's plans I must admit can be a bit loony ( in my eyes). Sometimes my perception of good, and His perception of good are totally off. I have had to trade logic for loony several times, and just trust that He already knows that the end result will be great.

For my high school prom, my greatest wish was to walk in on the arms of a heart throb with whom I'd give anything to be his princess and gallop off into the sunset. The man was "the bomb dot com". 
I got my wish- at least the prom part. I entered the ballroom as though Cinderella had coined her night, but I spent the duration of the night playing dodge-date. After the first dance where he loudly counted out the steps in between taking in how cute he thought he was, this Cinderella's midnight could not have come sooner. This scenario brings to mind the fact that sometimes what we think is great for us based on outward appearances, or advice from others becomes the total opposite.

I have learned that when God's shows me a way that may not be all that attractive the journey is successful when I spend the time seeking out the blessings that are wrapped up in each detour. Just like a Word Find puzzle that starts off being a bunch of scrambled up letters I begin to get the message, and it always make sense in the end.

Anonymous Writer

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