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"Play To Win!"

Romans 12:3 talks about God dealing to every man the "measure of faith". Our pastor gave such an awesome analogy of this by using a deck of cards to symbolize faith. He then dealt everyone a card, symbolizing our measure of faith. We were all instructed to focus only on what was in our hands, and to play our own hand. Through this we learned that God deals to every man the "measure of faith" according to his lot in life so we should never be desirous of another persons faith.

Depending on what we were destined for, our faith may seem greater or lesser than the next person. But the TRUTH is, we all have an equal amount of faith distributed to us! PRAISE GOD! Its just up to us to play our own hand (the card we were dealt). My "measure of faith" is just as powerful and effective for me as the next person's is to him. What an awesome relief!

When playing cards, you may hear someone say "you better play to win!" That means you better come out of your hand strong, with no regrets. We should have the same confidence and tenacity with our "measure of faith". PLAY TO WIN! Play your faith card to the best of your ability, and watch God show Himself strong to you.

Be encouraged knowing that you have ALL THE FAITH YOU NEED! It's been apportioned by God to you! Now go and Play To Win!

Pastor Renee Roberts

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the post Pastor Renee!!! i love the analogy!
