Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.


During my meditation, I began to think about the church as a whole, which Paul describes as the "body of Christ". During my thinking, I was trying to figure out why do some "gifts" in the body seem to get more recognition or should I say value? The Holy Spirit reminded me of 1Corinthians 12. Paul apparently had this same question in mind when he addressed the Church of Corinth. He told them to not forget that they are the body of Christ and that EVERY part is important. This revelation will help many of us become happy and confident in the gifts that we possess, even if people don't deem them "powerful" or "important". Let's talk a little...
I've experienced feeling like my "little" giftings were not much. Why? Because people make you feel that way. Before I knew it, I was trying to do what seemed to be the thing that would bring notoriety to my gifts; make me important, acceptable. What a mistake! I quickly found out that I was happier doing what I was created to do, versus doing what "I think" others like me to do. Besides, doing something I was not created to do only made me look foolish! LOL! It's okay to laugh. I learned that the anointing on my life is evident when I STAY IN MY LANE. I thank God that I'm a fast learner.
I won't go into "what" I did, but I will say this, STAY IN YOUR LANE. If God has not graced you to sing, please stop trying to get on peoples programs and get in peoples choirs. If God has not graced you to dance, please stop asking the pastor if you can dance a selection or join the dance ministry. If God has not graced you to be a leader, please stop asking to take on a leadership role. If God has not graced you to be funny, please stop telling those dull jokes...and the list goes on and on. The main point: if it's not your gracing, STAY OUT OF THAT LANE. Major accidents happen when we're not in our lanes. And many times casualties follow our lane changing.
So lets become more confident in what God has truly gifted us for, realizing that even if my gift is simply to make people smile, it's just as important as the gift of prophecy. You drive your course more proficiently and effectively when you STAY IN YOUR LANE. Keep your eyes attentive on your lane, stop trying to cross over, and watch how powerful and important your gifts really are to the body!
Pastor Renee Roberts


  1. I did LOL! This is profoundly true. Each day I true to practice to STAY IN MY LANE! I've notice when I do, I have peace, joy, happiness and true fulfillment. Thank you for the reminder. God bless you! Love you Pastor Renee!

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! LOL!!! Thank you Pastor! I got in my good laugh for the day! But all jokes aside, thank you once again for an awesome word. Now I REALLY don't feel like "chopped liver" lol. Love you!

  3. LOL that was funny. I believe that insecurities & people pleasing gets a person out of their lane. Trying to be like sister so and so or brother so and so. I guess you have to love yourself & except who God made you to be. This word is very encouraging. We all are different. Can you imagine if we all looked alike and had the same gifts. Wow, i really need to stay in my lane.
