Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.


Peanut butter on apple slices. An apple is almost pure carbohydrate, with simple sugars, but the energy it provides will be metered over time by its own fiber and by the peanut butter.

A selection of melon balls, berries, pineapple chunks, and cubed peaches, pears or apples will be eagerly grabbed at by little hands and piled onto frilled toothpicks to make fruit kabobs.

Frozen grapes are cool like popsicles and sweet like candy, but they've got plenty of vitamins and fiber too. The kids will really go bananas for frozen bananas when you roll them in peanut butter and chopped nuts. (Don't forget to peel them before freezing) Other favorites include peach and nectarine slices, and berries of all kinds.

Raisins, bowl of fruit, whole fruits

Popped corn
Corn on the cob (grilled, boiled, or roasted)

Baked Sweet Potato Wedges

Celery and hummus ( hummus is made from chickpeas)

Veggies (Carrots, Brocoli,Tomato Grapes) with Dip (guacamole or bean dip)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks I really need to get back in eating right. The fast at the begining of the year helped me see that I needed to eat right, don't know what happened. I wish more churches would teach their members how to keep a healthy body. You are doing the right thing. Please post some more ideas on health whenever you get a chance. love ya
