Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.

Go To Your Room God

You probably have done this yourself before, or watched someone cover a child's ears up, or instruct them to do it, so something out of line can be said. I am probably not the only one who has done this to God, but I'll speak for myself. 

There have been times when that sin is soooo sweet I have said "Lord, if you could just excuse me for a bit. Better yet Lord, go to your room for a while because this stuff is too adult for your eyes and ears.There are some things that just don't seem to be as effective when done the Christian way Lord. There are some people that I can't give a piece of my mind in the PG 13 way.
Lord I know I have been keeping my body, but another birthday just passed. It's raining on the tin roof, and Barry White just set the stage. Lord I am sorry but I have to make a phone call. So Lord I need you to just cover your ears and eyes for a bit. But Lord when I say Hallelujah that will be your queue to take center stage again."

"Ok Lord, I'm ready for you to come out of Your room now. It's your time now Lord. Lord why aren't you answering when I call You. I am sorry I got myself into this mess. Lord please You can stop covering your ears now. I need you. I promise, if you get me out of this one you can be a part of every aspect of my life again."

In the theatre production of life there is only one center stage spotlight. It means I have to exit for him to play the lead role in my life. That's hard though- everyone wants the lead part. But think about it- the Oscar for SUPPORTING actor or actress goes to the one who best enhances the role of the one who takes the center stage of a production.

Support- give assistance to; enable to function or act.

So we have to enable/allow God to take over. God will not push Himself into the leading role. We want to play our role, run our mouths, do things our way because the attention feels good. Mean while God waits patiently in the back stage area of our life. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in soothing ourselves with false success, soon we are attempting to run God's lines as well. I don't care how stellar we feel we've performed, but we are often forced to realize that life is not the appropriate stage for a monologue. If I never shut up and allow God to lead, my own success is short lived. God  has a way of making me look good, so I am learning to allow Him to gain the praise, loop my arm through His, work it, and execute the princess wave.

SS Writer

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