So much attention has been brought to the GREATEST promise that God has given to His people: the RAPTURE, that promise of heaven, that promise to be with Him forever. Unfortunately, this great promise has been misrepresented greatly! And it is so disturbing. It disturbed me so, that it urged me to post this article. Hope you're blessed by it!
In the book of 2Timothy 4:1-5, Paul gives Timothy a charge to preach the sound doctrine of the Word of God. Paul had a revelation of the importance of enduring (staying under) sound doctrine. That same revelation is relevant to the believer today.
Sound doctrine has become scarce in Christendom because of the many doctrines that are being taught instead of the Word of God. This is why being a part of a sound "Bible-Teaching" Church is so vitally important. Denomination, association, and organization doesn't matter. Is the Word of God being taught from a sound perspective and not a partial or opinionated perspective? When that's happening, then things like this "Judgement Day" frenzy (end of the world madness) comes into public view, we as believers have the doctrine that's so sound, we are able to be lights (revelation) in this darkness (lack of revelation).
Whether we know it or not, this madness has now placed an even greater skepticism in the atmosphere. It has launched an attack on our beliefs. Now we as believers must KNOW the truth (sound doctrine).
The world as we know it will end one day. But the scriptures are so clear on when....SURPRISE! NO man knows the day nor the hour. Analogies like, "coming like a thief in the night" should give us some clue that we will be clueless of a date for Christ's return. When we, the believer, become well educated we can then refute these false claims through the Word of God, and begin to lead people to the truth. People are hungry for truth. We have the TRUTH living on the inside of us. What are we doing with it? Jumping from church to church? Rolling from conference to conference? Skipping from revival to revival? Living in a church building every evening of our week?
Come on believers! Let's get to really preaching this Gospel of the Kingdom of God. This Gospel of sound doctrine that let's people know that there's a better life for them and that there's someone who loves them beyond their faults. Letting them know that Christ died for every mistake they've made and will ever make, all they have to do is believe in Him.
It's time to preach sound doctrine. It's time to be the lights of this world.
-Pastor Renee