Recover: (v) to cover again or anew; to get back or regain (something lost or taken away); to regain one's strength, composure, balance, etc.
In my observation, I have noticed that there are a vast amount of "hurting" people in the world, but greatly in the Kingdom of God. Sadly, "church" has seemingly forced us into this mode of "masked-behavior-by faith", because by faith...all is well.
What I have discovered through my own experiences with pain is that faith without works(dealing with the pain) is dead. So it's vitally important that we as believers grasp the powerful understanding of confronting the very things that hurt us. We can't conquer what we haven't confronted.
There are so many things that individuals have endured tangibly that still linger on internally, even if it passed years ago. These types of wounds impair our ability to be free to love and continue to develop properly. So what's the solution?
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might....don't be afraid to pay those hurts an overdue visit. Confront them boldly, and release the pains that have kept you locked for so long. Forgive and be healed. Release and recover.
Will the pain immediately vanish? It depends on the unique situations and individuals involved. But do know this, it shall eventually pass.
Are you ready to experience a freedom beyond your current experiences? It's life at it's best, the way God intended for life to be.
Regain your strength, regain your composure, regain your balance...IT'S TIME TO RECOVER!
Pastor Renee