Soul Stimulation is not your average blog, its a resource of motivation for your soul (YOUR mind, YOUR will, YOUR emotions). Allow the articles, which are written by various writers, to incite your dormant places and excite your bored places. No matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality, or age...become reinvented as your soul becomes stimulated.


Recover: (v) to cover again or anew; to get back or regain (something lost or taken away); to regain one's strength, composure, balance, etc.

In my observation, I have noticed that there are a vast amount of "hurting" people in the world, but greatly in the Kingdom of God. Sadly, "church" has seemingly forced us into this mode of "masked-behavior-by faith", because by faith...all is well.

What I have discovered through my own experiences with pain is that faith without works(dealing with the pain) is dead. So it's vitally important that we as believers grasp the powerful understanding of confronting the very things that hurt us. We can't conquer what we haven't confronted.

There are so many things that individuals have endured tangibly that still linger on internally, even if it passed years ago. These types of wounds impair our ability to be free to love and continue to develop properly. So what's the solution?

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might....don't be afraid to pay those hurts an overdue visit. Confront them boldly, and release the pains that have kept you locked for so long. Forgive and be healed. Release and recover.

Will the pain immediately vanish? It depends on the unique situations and individuals involved. But do know this, it shall eventually pass.

Are you ready to experience a freedom beyond your current experiences? It's life at it's best, the way God intended for life to be.

Regain your strength, regain your composure, regain your balance...IT'S TIME TO RECOVER!

Pastor Renee

"Right Response"

Have you ever heard the saying, "actions speak louder than words"? Well I sense this is what God is saying to His people now more than ever. God is looking for the RIGHT RESPONSE from His people. For too long we have read the Word, being hearers only. Now God is looking for His Word in RESPONSE to the various trials and circumstances in our lives. This is why it is so important to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts. Because during hardships, we need to be able to draw on the Word of God and not on our emotions.

The Word of God declares that God's Word will not return void, but will accomplish what it was sent to do. This shows us that God has an expectation out on His Word. He is totally expecting His Word to return to Him fulfilled through us. Are we willing to allow the Word of God to renew our minds so that we yield a RIGHT RESPONSE every time, thus fulfilling the Will of God? It is possible...even if you can't believe it right now. You can do ALL THINGS through Jesus Christ (the Living Word) that strengthens you!

God is looking for doers! He's looking for those who speak with actions and not empty words. If we say we are Christians and that we love God, let's show it through our RIGHT RESPONSE. Enough of talking about it, let's be about it.

I challenge you to accelerate your RESPONSE to God without delay, hesitation, or analyzing. God's Word is yay and amen, so be it. As we quickly RESPOND to God in the RIGHT way, we will begin to experience His Presence like never before. And trust me, His Presence houses the fullness of Himself. Can you stand to be full of HIM? I believe it's worth a RIGHT RESPONSE.

Spiritual food for mental renewal.

Pastor Renee


Shift: to move from one place, position, direction, etc., to another; to undergo a systematic change.

There has been a dimensional shift in the body of Christ. This shift is setting the church up to be the divine paradigm of the love, power, and moves of God. For decades, the church has been ridiculed and looked upon as a weak, mediocre venue for desperate people. But God, by His Spirit has flipped the script! The church will be recognized this season as a source of POWER, INFLUENCE, and AFFLUENCE. A place where the displaced, broken, poor, and lost can come and be restored by the Hand of God. A place where people can experience the safety of the Lord. A place filled with the Presence of God! Praise the Lord!

This is a universal shift across the world. God is preparing His bride for His return. Let's tap into this new dimension. Your life promises to change.

Pastor Renee Roberts

The Key to FREEDOM

The Word of God instructs us to forgive one another as Christ has so willingly forgiven us. Why is it so hard to forgive? Do we feel some sense of justification by holding on? Do we realize that unforgiveness keeps ourselves and our offenders in bondage?

Unforgiveness leaves an open door for bitterness, resentment & anger to walk right in. It also keeps you and the offender in an emotional prison. Who wants to live under those circumstances? It is so empowering to release and love those who have hurt, abandoned, betrayed or offended us. The offense only lasts as long as we permit it to. Take your life back and begin to enjoy all things and all people by forgiving. The Word of God instructs us to forgive one another as He forgave us. Awesome assignment. Will He find one faithful to His Word? Any takers?

Let's start dealing with our unforgiveness and realize that forgiveness is a POWERFUL tool that love produces. You want to be powerful? Start forgiving for real, and watch the power of God manifest in your life.

Let's not forget where we've come from and how much forgiveness we've needed and will need. If it had not been for the Lord God loving us the way He does.....OMG!

You have the key to be free and to free your offender. Let LOVE flow again.
Pastor Renee Roberts

A Fast of Repentance & Purification

(February 21st midnight - February 28th midnight)
Repent: To turn back; feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses.
Purify: To make clean; sanctify; to free from sin or defilement.

LRFWC, we are in full swing of our 7-day fast. What a glorious and awesome time of worship, discovery, and reconnection with our Heavenly Father. I pray that each and every one of you are maximizing this time to develop more in your relationship with the Lord.

Please adhere to the guidelines and instructions that have been given to you. If you have not received them or if you're someone who just wants to be a part of this, a downloadable packet containing all pertinent information is available at

Be reminded that mandatory corporate prayer has been designated for
  • Wednesday, February 24th @ 7pm
  • Thursday, February 25th @ 7pm
  • Sunday, February 28th @ 9am

Looking forward to seeing the end result in all of our lives!
Pastor Renee Roberts